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Journal articles
Atypical reliance on monocular visual pathway for face and word recognition in developmental dyslexia
Noa Peskin, Marlene Behrmann, Shay Gabay and Yafit Gabay.
Brain and Cognition, 2024 PDF
Intact Utilization of Contextual Information in Speech Categorization in Autism
Yafit Gabay, Eva Reinisch, Dana Even, Nahal Binur and Bat-Sheva Hadad
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2023 PDF
Internal Cognitive Load Differentially Influences Acoustic and Lexical Context Effects in Speech Perception: Evidence From a Population With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Hadeer Derawi, Eva Reinisch and Yafit Gabay
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2023 PDF
Reduced Implicit but not Explicit Knowledge of Cross‐Situational Statistical Learning in Developmental Dyslexia
Nitzan Kligler, Chen Yu and Yafit Gabay
Cognitive Science, 2023 PDF
Memory for incidentally learned categories evolves in the post-learning interval
Yafit Gabay, Avi Karni and Lori L Holt
Elife, 2023 PDF
Failure to consolidate statistical learning in developmental dyslexia
Ranin Ballan, Simon J. Durrant, Dara S. Manoach and Yaftit Gabay
Psychonomic bulletin & review, 2023 PDF
Distinct reinforcement learning profiles distinguish between language and attentional neurodevelopmental disorders
Noyli Nissan, Uri Hertz, Nitzan Shahar and Yafit Gabay
Behavioral and Brain Functions, 2023 PDF
A Cross-Modal Investigation of Statistical Learning in Developmental Dyslexia
Nitzan Kligler and Yafit Gabay
Scientific Studies of Reading, 2023 PDF
Incidental auditory category learning and visuomotor sequence learning do not compete for cognitive resources
Yafit Gabay, Michelle Madlansacay and and Lori L. Holt
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2023 PDF
Impaired and Spared Auditory Category Learning in Developmental Dyslexia
Yafit Gabay, Casey L. Roark and Lori L. Holt
Psychological Science, 2023 PDF
Procedural auditory category learning is selectively disrupted in developmental language disorder
Hadeer Derawi, Casey L. Roark and Yafit Gabay
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2023 PDF
A failure of sleep-dependent consolidation of visuoperceptual procedural learning in young adults with ADHD
Ranin Ballan, Simon J. Durrant, Robert Stickgold, Alexandra Morgan, Dara S. Manoach and Yafit Gabay
Translational Psychiatry, 2022 PDF
Increased reliance on top-down information to compensate
for reduced bottom-up use of acoustic cues in dyslexia
Hadeer Derawi, Eva Reinisch and Yafit Gabay
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2022 PDF
Atypical Reinforcement Learning in Developmental Dyslexia
Atheer Odah Massarwe, Noyli Nissan and Yafit Gabay
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 2022 PDF
Delaying feedback compensates for impaired reinforcement learning in developmental dyslexia
Yafit Gabay
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2021 PDF
Adaptive Plasticity Under Adverse Listening Conditions is Disrupted in Developmental Dyslexia
Yafit Gabay and Lori L. Holt
Neuropsychological Society, 2021 PDF
Does Acute Stress Impact Declarative and Procedural Learning?
Ranin Ballan and Yafit Gabay
Frontiers in Psychology, 2020 PDF
Visual and Auditory Interference Control of Attention in Developmental Dyslexia
Yafit Gabay, Shai Gabay, Rachel Schiff and Avishai Henik
Neuropsychological Society, 2020 PDF
Another Temporal Processing Deficit in Individuals with Developmental Dyslexia: The Case of Normalization for Speaking Rate
Yafit Gabay, Inaas-Jana Najjar and Eva Reinisch
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2019 PDF
Short-term adaptation to sound statistics is unimpaired in developmental dyslexia
Yafit Gabay and Lori L. Holt
PLOS One, 2018 PDF
Feedback Timing Modulates Probabilistic Learning in Adults with ADHD
Yafit Gabay, Elham Shahbari-Khateb and Avi Mendelsohn
Scientific reports, 2018 PDF
Learning to decipher time-compressed speech: Robust acquisition with a slight difficulty in generalization among young adults with developmental dyslexia
Yafit Gabay, Avi Karni and Karen BanaiI
PLOS one, 2018 PDF
The perceptual learning of time-compressed speech: A comparison of training protocols with different levels of difficulty
Yafit Gabay, Avi Karni and Karen BanaiI
PLOS one, 2017 PDF
Atypical perceptual processing of faces in developmental dyslexia
Yafit Gabay, Eva Dundas, David Plaut and Marlene Behrmann
Brain and Language, 2017 PDF
Feedback-based probabilistic category learning is selectively impaired in attention/hyperactivity deficit disorder
Yafit Gabay and Liat Goldfarb
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2017 PDF
Hemispheric organization in disorders of development
Elliot Collins, Eva Dundas, Yafit Gabay, David C. Plaut and Marlene Behrmann
Visual cognition, 2017 PDF
Cognitive and emotional empathy in typical and impaired readers and its relationship to reading competence
Yafit Gabay, Simone G. Shamay-Tsoory and Liat Goldfarb
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 2016 PDF
Probabilistic category learning in developmental dyslexia: Evidence from feedback and paired-associate weather prediction
Yafit Gabay, Eli Vakil, Rachel Schiff and Lori L. Holt
Neuropsychology, 2015 PDF
Impaired statistical learning in developmental dyslexia
Yafit Gabay, Erik D. Thiessen and Lori L. Holt
Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 2015 PDF
Incidental auditory category learning
Yafit Gabay, Frederic K. Dick, Jason D. Zevin and Lori L. Holt
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2015 PDF
Incidental learning of sound categories is impaired in developmental dyslexia
Yafit Gabay and Lori L. Holt
Cortex, 2015 PDF
Word and line bisection in typical and impaired readers and a cross linguistic comparison
Yafit Gabay, Shai Gabay, Avishai Henik, Rachel Schiff and Marlene Behrmann
Brain & Language , 2015 PDF
Visuospatial impairments in developmental dyslexia: evidence from visual and mental number line bisection tasks
Yafit Gabay, Shai Gabay, Rachel Schiff, Sarit Ashkenazi and Avishai Henik
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2013 PDF
Attentional requirements during acquisition and consolidation of a skill in normal readers and developmental dyslexics
Yafit Gabay, Rachel Schiff and Eli Vakil
Neuropsychology, 2012 PDF
Dissociation between the procedural learning of letter names and motor sequences in developmental dyslexia
Yafit Gabay, Rachel Schiff and Eli Vakil
Neuropsychologia, 2012 PDF
Dissociation between online and offline learning in developmental dyslexia
Yafit Gabay, Rachel Schiff and Eli Vakil
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 2012 PDF
Conference Proceedings
Gabay, Y. Karni, A., Holt, L.L. (2018). Consolidation and retention of auditory categories acquired incidentally in performing a visuomotor task. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison Wisconsin: Cognitive Science Society, 402-407. PDF
Holt, L. L., Gabay, Y., Dick, F., & Zevin, J. (2015). Incidental auditory category learning. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(4), 2386-2386.
Book Chapters
Implicit learning in developmental dyslexia as demonstrated by the Serial Reaction Time (SRT) and the Artificial Grammar Learning (AGL) tasks
Rachel Schiff , Eli Vakil , Yafit Gabay and Shani Kahta
In A. Bar On and D. Ravid (Eds.), Handbook of Communication Disorders: Theoretical, Empirical, and Applied Linguistics Perspectives (pp. 753-764). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2018.
Poster Presentations

Impaired incidental learning of complex sound categories in children and adults with dyslexia.
Hadeer Derawi, Lori L. Holt, Avi Karni and Yafit Gabay (February 2023).
Poster presented at the 10th Israeli Conference on Cognition Research (ISCoP), Akko, Israel.

Impaired Cross-Situational Learning in Developmental Dyslexia
Nitzan Kligler, Chen Yu and Yafit Gabay (February 2023)
Poster presented at the 10th Conference on Cognition Research of the Israeli Society for Cognitive Psychology, Akko, Israel.

Increased reliance on top-down information to compensate for reduced bottom-up usage of acoustic cues in dyslexia
Hadeer Derawi, Eva Reinisch and Yafit Gabay (November, 2022)
Poster was presented at the Psychonomic Society’s 62nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Failure to consolidate statistical learning in developmental dyslexia
Ranin Ballan, Simon J. Durrant, Dara S. Manoach and Yafit Gabay (February 2022)
Poster at the 9th Conference on Cognition Research of the Israeli Society for Cognitive Psychology, Akko, Israel.

A Cross-Modal Investigation of Statistical Learning in Developmental Dyslexia
Nitzan Kligler and Yafit Gabay (February 2022)
Poster at the 9th Conference on Cognition Research of the Israeli Society for Cognitive Psychology, Akko, Israel.

Consolidation and retention of sound place associations and incidental auditory category learning among typical and dyslexic readers
Noyli Nissan, Lori L. Holt, Avi Karni and Yafit Gabay (February, 2020)
Poster presented at The 7th Conference on Cognition Research of the Israeli Society for Cognitive Psychology, Akko, Israel.

Speech perceptual learning in developmental dyslexia
Yafit Gabay (September, 2019)
Poster presented at The 21st ESCoP Conference, Tenerife, Spain.

Overnight consolidation and retention of implicit and explicit knowledge of incidentally learned auditory categories.
Yafit Gabay, Avi Karni and Lori L. Holt (June, 2019)
Poster presented at The Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning 2019, San Sabastian, Spain.

The development of incidental auditory category learning
Noyli Nissan, Lori L. Holt, Avi Karn and Yafit Gabay
Poster presented at:
- The Sixth Doctoral Conference at the Faculty of Education,
University of Haifa, Israel (June, 2019)
- The National Institute of Psychobiology in Israel conference,
Jerusalem, Israel (May, 2019)
- The International Convention of Psychological Science,
Paris, France (March, 2019)
- The The 6th Israeli Conference on Cognition Research,
Akko, Israel. (February, 2019).
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